
Bright Ideas

Those who think all flashlights are Similar will be blasted by the performance of these eminently-practical powerhouses from Maglite for residential and automotive use.
Words by Bill Lindsey | December 28, 2023 | Lifestyle
three color spotlights on stage

Flashlight technology hasn’t changed much since 1899; they still use batteries for power that is converted into light via a bulb. Maglite, however, has innovative ways to pierce the darkness, as seen in their ML50. Powered by three “C” batteries, it features a high-efficiency LED bulb for brilliant light that can be focused. In Eco Mode, it allows up to 184 hours of light, in addition to Full Power (almost 10 hours of light) and Low Power (43 hours) modes. The Maglite XL50 Spectrum Series LED with green lens is ideal for use outdoors, where it won’t spook animals yet provides a crisp beam that can be seen up to a mile away, yet doesn’t affect your eye’s normal night vision. In High Mode, it provides just over 6 hours of light, while Low Mode allows 31 hours of light. For those that might forget to buy new batteries, the ML150LRS is a great choice, as its integral rechargeable battery makes it always ready. It fully recharges in 1.5 hours, to provide two hours of light in High Mode, 9.5 hours in Low Mode, and 15 hours in Eco Mode. It comes with both a 110V and a 12V charger for the home and car;