
Power of Art

At one time, all of us were artists. Our teachers guided us toward greatness as we painted and doodled in pre-school, kindergarten and early elementary.
Jorge Arauz
Jorge Arauz

Dried paint on our faces and glitter and glue under our fingernails, we brought our masterpieces home to our family in the hopes they would tape it on the fridge or — better yet! — frame it and hang it on the wall! Thinking back on those days, you can’t help but smile. As the joys of adulthood emerge, some of us take a less artistic path on our professional journeys. A lucky few make it as artists, gallerists and even art critics. For the rest of us, creativity comes in many forms. It’s something to be celebrated and encouraged. With a creative mindset, anything’s possible and the sky’s the limit. We are only restricted by our imagination. Next time you find yourself inspired by something, take a photo, sketch, draw, paint, sing, dance, write — do  whatever you can to let your wild creative spark thrive