Sometimes I use the time to make goal lists, to jot down new ideas or to watch a new TV show. I paint. I sing. I dance. I swim. I laugh. I talk to myself. One of the best things that I’ve noticed since I started this project a few months ago is that I’m calm for hours after I return to the daily grind. I don’t sweat the small stuff, I tackle deadlines with a smile and I don’t fret when it seems like I’ll never get to the end of my ever-growing to-do list. After you’re done flipping through this issue, I encourage you to take a soul break of your own. Who knows? It might just turn into a new hobby.
Jorge Arauz
“You’d be surprised at what you can learn about yourself when you actually sit down and listen with no distractions.”
Think you or someone you know deserves to be featured on our pages? Let us know! We’re currently accepting nominations for all of our sections. Please send a photo, brief bio and contact information for all nominees.
Attn: Mr. Jorge Arauz
[email protected]
CELL: 305.401.3232