One of them was called International Yachtsman. A few weeks into my new gig, I was encouraged to attend the Miami International Boat Show on behalf of the company. At this point in my career, I didn’t know aft from overboard, so you can imagine the culture shock I experienced when I showed up in a three-piece suit and a shiny brand new pair of shoes. Always dress to impress, right?! As soon as I made it through the entrance, I beelined to one of the pop-up souvenir shops on site and bought a commemorative button-down, cargo shorts and a pair of Docksiders so I could navigate the day like a pro. What resulted was an unforgettable afternoon filled with sea trials, new nautical tech demos, fishing tips & tricks and incredible conversations with yacht aficionados from around the world. I even got to meet “Twiggy: The Waterskiing Squirrel” for the first time and was invited to a private waterfront mansion soiree later that evening (I knew my original outfit would come in handy!). This month, I’m looking forward to yet another amazing show Feb. 16-20 at Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin. This time, I’ll make sure to arrive dressed for the occasion.