In honor of American Heart Month, the team at 360 Energy In Motion encourages everyone to improve their ticker by drinking some green tea. According to Yamivett De La Moneda, MS, RD, LD/ N, who serves as the Registered Dietician & Licensed Nutritionist for Health4Life at 360 Energy In Motion, studies show that green tea boosts blood vessel health while lowering the risk of heart disease, and since it’s rich in phytochemicals, it’s also a potent free-radical fighting, anti-cancerous beverage. In addition, De La Moneda says that research has demonstrated green tea’s role in lowering cholesterol and protecting against respiratory and digestive infections. “It’s also been shown to improve mental alertness and aid in weight loss,” she affirms. At 360 Energy In Motion, a non-traditional spinning, pilates and yoga studio, guests are encouraged to enjoy a cup of green tea before a great workout, so make sure to stop in to sip and sweat it up; 53 SW 11th St.; 305.416.3360;