It’s an adage as old as time: We eat first with our eyes. Marvelously (and meticulously) capitalizing on this maxim, the interior of Brickell’s buoyant Cantina La Veinte is an elephantine appertif all its own, a marvelous mixture of Mexican Art Deco-era relics and the breezy bayside plazas of our southern neighbor’s stately resorts. From black onyx bar-tops to a bustling top-tier mercado, no inch of this exceptional eatery is bereft of aesthetic excellence. This is a testament to the power and vision of Mexico-based architectural and design firm Niz + Chauvet, authors of this impressive edifice, and the countless owner-selected artifacts that perfectly elucidate Mexico’s passionate and poignant history. An area that must be seen to believed, if you find yourself bogged down in the pains and pressures of modern-day living, take the time to submerge yourself in the soothing interiors and delectable fare of this rabidly rarified restaurante;