It happens to the best of us. We look at our aging reflection in an unfamiliar mirror at a friend’s house, in a hotel room or in a public restroom and the inevitable leaves you blushing — you have wrinkles, fine lines and you aren’t a spring chicken anymore. Blame the lighting. Blame your diet. Blame the sun. But whatever you do, don’t blame the mirror. It doesn’t lie. So this summer, get back the youthful glow you thought you had by investing in some laser skin-resurfacing treatments using Dr. John J. Martin’s skillful blend of Co2 and Naturalase Erbium lasers at The Alhambra Cosmetic Laser Center in Coral Gables. A Harvard Medical School grad, Dr. Martin is recognized the world over for the dramatic results he weaves on his patients with his masterful skill. For unbelievable before-and-afters, visit Once you’ve seen what he can do, schedule a consultation by calling 305.444.5950.
Laughing Matters
Ever wonder why a sense of humor ranks atop most “Definitely Dateable” and “Marriage Material” lists for both men and women? Well, for starters, everyone likes a good chuckle…and secondly, laughing is actually good for your health. From reducing stress to lowering blood pressure, surrounding yourself with comics and witty wisecrackers is the best medicine you can get — and it’s usually free. Next time someone makes you laugh till your abs hurt, note how you feel afterward. You may just want to add them to your healthy lifestyle. Just don’t through your health insurance coverage out the window, or the joke will definitely be on you.
Sun Safe
Always wear a 15 SPF+ sunscreen when outdoors. Not only will your skin have a pleasant glow, you’ll also spare yourself the catastrophic damage the sun can cause on your face.
Hydrate Right
Besides drinking the standard 8 glasses of water you should be chugging on a daily basis, opt for foods high in water content to keep your skin smooth, youthful and wrinkle-free.
A Vitamin A Day
It may not keep the doctor away, but a daily multi-vitamin will surely keep your skin in tip-top shape. Don’t expect instant results…just make sure swallowing a tablet every 24 hours becomes a lifelong habit.
Cream Dreams
Before bed, slather a face cream containing collagen, retinol, copper and/or Vitamin A on your face nightly. All have shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles with quick and noticeable results.