
Thrilling Ride

Normally being called “shiftless” isn’t a good thing; except when you’re talking about the new luxurious e-bike from The Ride. There’s no shifter, no gears, no greasy chain — just a wonderful 130-mile range.
Words by Zelda Grant | April 26, 2023 | Lifestyle

A piece of mobile art that would look perfect in the garage next to a Ferrari or Lamborghini, The Ride Radian Carbon E-Bike is the only bike you’ll ever need. In reality, while standing out from the crowd, the innovative, high-quality, fine-riding, aesthetically-pleasing, built-to-last masterpiece uses industry-standard components to make it easily serviceable at bike shops worldwide. It’s so intuitive that you can ride it like a normal bike; it will automatically shift gears for you to give you the power boost you need based on how you’re pedaling. The Shimano mid-drive motor with torque sensors paired with state-of-the-art automatic transmission delivers the right amount of power when you need it and how you need it. Even when you approach a steep hill or parking lot ramp, you can stay seated and continue pedaling at the same pace and go right up without over-exertion;