

Whether you stroll into Blackbird Ordinary for the music, the ambiance or the drinks on any given day or night, Jill Cohen and her staff will ensure that you arrive with a warm welcome and leave feeling like a VIP.
Text by Ryan Jarrell | Photos by Edward Leal | March 14, 2018 | Lifestyle

A stylishly savvy Miami Beach native who’s spent the last decade involved, in some manner or another, in Miami’s nightlife scene, Jill Cohen’s path from simple hometown girl to Bar Manager at Blackbird Ordinary was one of dedication, hard work and lots and lots of moxy. Starting off as a cocktail waitress at a wide range of Miami cantinas, ever since Cohen was old enough to pour, she knew the place for her was behind the stick. “When I got out of school and started waitressing, I always knew that I wanted to be behind the bar — it just looked like so much fun,” she says. “It wasn’t until I started working with craft cocktails at Blackbird Ordinary that I began to tap into my creativity. I come from a very culinary family, so I’ve been exploring and working with different tastes and ingredients most of my life.” Although accepting of our city’s constant strive to yield the extravagant, Cohen finds that, when it comes to truly satisfying draughts, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. “I’ve always been a huge fan of reviving classics that have maybe fallen off the radar,” she says. “But with our menu, I never want to go over-the-top. There’s a beauty in keeping things simple!”;

Name TBD
2 oz. Ocho Reposado Tequila
1.5 oz Cold Brew Coffee
3/4 oz Housemade Vanilla Bean Syrup
3/4 oz Ancho Reyes
Chili Liquer
Espresso Sea Salt Rim