Derek Hodes, President of Momentum Marketing Group, believes that in the event business, you must understand your platform, consider all possible touch-points and how best to integrate sponsors into the overall flow, making it a natural fit to the spectators. “As a child, I was never afraid to speak up and ask questions — to this day, I still believe that to create a successful outcome, questions are the keys to getting there,” he says. “A big part of what we do is listening to both the wants and needs of the event and those of the sponsors, which at times are not in-line with each other.” As such, the goal is always thinking long-term, as this gives the greatest chance of success. The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run stands out because it only targets companies and their employees, takes place mid-week in the evening right after the work day and is always held in the heart of the city that it’s produced in. In addition to the 3-race series in Downtown Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach, Hodes is also planning for two new events come this Fall with the main focus on targeting single professionals. The Miami Race alone has almost 30,000 corporate employees running and 850 companies involved. “The best part of all of this is when I look around and see everyone from the staff to the sponsors to the patrons having a great experience before, during and after the race,” he says. “There’s nothing quite like it.”;
“I’ve always been interested in how companies and brands integrated themselves into our daily lives, provoking a feeling of want or need and how — if done right — makes you feel like you can’t live without.”