
Start Your Engines

A must to compete in this Darwinian digital marketplace, below are 8 expert tips on how to effectively increase your online presence.
Text by Liz Rodriguez | August 28, 2018 | Lifestyle

1.Get Mobile: A bad website can frustrate potential customers that are doing their preliminary research on your products or services. A fluid and adaptive website is essential in today’s rapid mobile phone landscape where 52.2 % of online users are browsing the web from their mobile phones. 

2.Optimize:​ Making sure your website is Search Engine Optimized is very important. It’s critical that meta tags, alt tags, meta description, URLS and keywords are properly labeled. Implementing a quantified keywords strategy and constantly providing fresh new content is just as important.

3.Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): The standard security technology for establishing a link between web server and browser, Google has recently enforced that all websites must have an SSL certificate in order to be marked as secure. Being recognized as insecure is a major hurdle and potential deal-breaker when potential clients are searching for your site.

4. ​Vide: Studies have shown that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. Adding a short video not only builds trust and credibility, it also also engages the user. 

5.Effective Call-To-Action: Define your website strategy by identifying your goals first. Are you aiming to convert leads, subscribe to a newsletter, sign-up, download assets, watch video or buy a product? You should define your call-to-action journey on your website and create an easy flow for users to convert.

6. ​Online Reviews: ​Online reviews build immense credibility and consumer confidence. Just think about it, you probably already read reviews prior to making a purchase or hiring a service provider just based on ratings and testimonials.

7.Social media: Statistics show that 2.62 billion people are on social media in 2018. With data like this, a well-crafted marketing strategy is a must. Platforms such as Instagram are showing the highest user engagement. It’s time to educate, inform and engage your fan base!

8.Pay-Per Click Campaigns: Now that you have a rock solid & engaging website with a powerful conversion strategy, you are ready for PPC. This allows you to acquire quality traffic and generate conversions quickly. A good ad budget is a great ROI once you have fine-tuned your campaigns and tested your keywords.

Interactive Marketing Strategist & Project Manager for 5-star boutique digital marketing agency Design House, Liz Rodriguez is an expert consultant for all digital marketing needs;