
Speed Racing

It’s great to have a car that can do 100 mph around corners, and here is how to do it without ending up in jail — or worse.
Text by Bill Lindsey | May 15, 2018 | Luxury

We live in an age of amazing vehicles that can easily cruise at 150 mph all day long. However, opening up the taps on local highways would soon find you in the back of a police cruiser or in a ditch, as our roads are simply not designed for those speeds. Luckily for us, there is a safe, crazy-fun way to experience high-speed driving. Hooked On Driving offers open-to-the-public “DE”, or Driver Education, events at Homestead Motor Speedway. Just show up in your car and drive it around the road course at the speeds it was designed for. HOD has groups for those who have never driven on a racecourse in which an instructor rides with you to coach you around the track. There are also groups for those guys named Andretti. A DE is NOT racing, so your insurance is still in effect, and you learn how to handle your car at speeds you’d otherwise never — legally — experience. Try it; you’ll be “hooked” halfway through the first lap;