“There’s perhaps no stronger bond that we all have as human beings than experiencing the power of changing someone’s life for the better through our actions.”
Many times, we are inspired to get involved by witnessing the selfless actions of others; sometimes we lend a helping hand as a way to pay it forward after experiencing someone being there for us when we really needed it. A feeling of unity and altruism is all around us 24/7, 365 days a year. In our very own backyard, year after year, Miami shatters philanthropic records — time, talent and treasure. There are countless organizations throughout the city dedicated to just about every cause that you want to get involved with. For many of us, we make philanthropy a priority. From volunteering on our days off and using our talents to progress a particular mission into the future to donating whatever monetary contributions we can to help change lives, there’s always one constant: We are all in this together and helping each other out through tough times is one of the most beautiful parts of being alive, present and grateful for each new day on the horizon.