When it comes to renting property, both landlords and tenants should know their legal rights and obligations. For instance, most condominiums require that a security deposit is held by the condominium association; both landlord and tenant should read the lease closely. Most leases state that the deposit is to be held as security for the common areas of the condominium association and not as security for the landlord. But what about if your landlord is in foreclosure: Can you withhold rent? Generally, a tenant cannot just withhold rent because they do not want to pay. If a tenant feels that there are factors that constitute a breach of covenant by the landlord, the tenant should seek remedy through the court. The decision not to pay rent is not an arbitrary decision made by a tenant. What if your landlord fails to make appropriate repairs? First refer to your lease for direction as to who is responsible for each item. If the lease does not specify the manner to advise your landlord of the issue, send a certified letter with a return receipt advising of the problem and request that the repairs be made. If the landlord doesn’t respond, you may have to seek help from the court.
The team at the Law Office of Adorno-Cunill & Damas, PL, is always available for more information on this topic as well as several other areas of law. To schedule a free consultation, call 305.381.9999.
Safe Keepers
Nothing is a substitute for attentive parenting, but a toddler can wander out of sight in the time it takes to tie a shoe or dig out a wallet. Avoid the panic with these gadgets, which can make tracking them down simple and safe.
Smart Accessory
You kids will love wearing this Safety Slap — a snap-on wristband with a QR-code dial. Safety officials or good Samaritans only have to scan it to receive your contact information. Low pricing makes this a great option for anyone chaperoning groups of kids; $20, SafetySlap.com.
Calling Home
Your kid is probably already clamoring for a cellphone: Here’s one you’ll feel good about buying. The GlowPhone from Firefly Mobile has fun games and ringtones…but also lets parents limit both incoming and outgoing calls to specified numbers. It’s a safe way to let your kids stay in touch; $49.99, FireflyMobile.com.
Savvy Tracker
Slip this small, light Amber Alert GPS into your child’s bag or pocket, and with a peek at your phone you can see their GPS coordinates, use 2-way voice communication to talk to them, or get alerts if they leave a designated zone or are moving faster than they should be; $199 plus monthly subscription, AmberAlertGPS.com.