Fast-growing and free home security app Alfred has a very simple solution: Turn them into integral aspects of your home security system! That’s right, with only a couple of old phones/tablets and their dedicated ware, you too can have an audio-transmitting, motion-sensing security system of your own, all for the low price of FREE!; Alfred.Camera.
Smart Sensor
It’s perhaps the most annoying aspect of modern-day domesticity. No, not rising property taxes and the death of neighborly camaraderie in modern American culture. We are speaking, of course, of that biting beep your smoke alarm lets out when it’s running out of battery. State-of-the-art security experts Roost have bit this problem in the bud with their dedicated SmartBattery which allows a staggering number of features, including linking your family to an alarm to snoozing a false alarm generated from a burnt bit of tostada;
Safe & Secure
Not all home security solutions have to cost an arm and a leg. Below are some simple (but tech-tastic) techniques to help protect your loved ones.
Let There Be Light
Thousand-dollar laser detectors are all well and good, but what simple solution do many security experts tout as #1? Security lights, preferably with motion sensors. The quick flash of a light can deter even the most devious of perps.
Pop & Lock
Perhaps slightly more expensive than a classical deadbolt, smartlocks by makers such as Kwikset and August allow you to not only track who’s accessing your home, but to turn off access to keyholders you want to keep out.
Say Cheese!
While smartphone-accessible cameras are a must-have for a secure homestead, keep them well out of the range of potential intruders and remember that cables will generally create a more stable transmission system in case your router goes down.