
Raised Glasses

With wine consumption and appreciation on a continuing upswing, in-home wine rooms have become the top new must-have connoisseur amenity, especially in Miami.
Text by Sandy Lindsey | August 28, 2018 | Lifestyle

Having a custom-built wine room adds to the resale value of any home or condo. In fact it’s rare to find a South Florida residence valued over $1M that doesn’t contain some sort of luxury wine storage system, with the ultimate being the wine cellar (which isn’t necessarily in a cellar) and beyond that the Destination Tasting Room, which allows the homeowner to provide the richest experience for themselves and their guests. Wine cellars with their storage racks and cooling systems are perfect for wine, keeping it at an optimal 55 degrees, but they’re less enjoyable for those who drink it. The tasting room is dedicated to the social aspect of wine, featuring large, comfortable seating, often favorite selections from the homeowner’s art collection and most definitely a haute spitting bowl. These rooms can be paired with a climate-controlled wine cellar, which is usually separated by a glass partition and can do double duty by hosting gourmet meals, a game of poker or for simply relaxing in the evening. One growing trend is to turn a spare bedroom into a combination wine cellar/tasting room once the kids leave for college;