A ceaseless crusader for the dissemination of owner Jaciel Santos’ native Brazilian culture, when it comes to authenticity, Steak Brasil Churrascaria settles for nothing less than the best. Which is precisely why when it selects its stunning staff, it prizes bartenders who understand the importance of a properly mixed Caipirinha. One such author of the authentic is 23-year-old Marco Lacombe, a transplant from Curitiba, Brazil, who, surprising to everyone who’s ever seen him on the other side of the stick, is currently working his first job as a barkeep. A natural mixologist who appreciates the purposeful play of ingredients, Lacombe is a font of knowledge for those who wish to begin bartending either as a hobby or a vocation. “Being a bartender for me is more than just pouring alcohol in a glass,” says Lacombe, who self-trained for his position along with his girlfriend, Ana. “To me, it’s really more of an artform. Mixing up the right ingredients to end up with a flavor that will positively impress the customers is something you have to have a feel for. People who want to spice up drinks at home must know the properties and similarities of the ingredients and then take it a step further. Be creative. You never know what you may end up with!” Just as wine enthused as he is spirit savvy, Lacombe is particularly proud of the wide range of wines at Steak Brasil Churrascaria. “We try to offer a variety of emblematic wines from various regions of the world,” he says. “There’s a drink for everybody here!”; SteakBrasil.com.
2 oz. Cachaça
2 tsp. Sugar
1 Lime, Cut Into Wedges