Springpad is a heck of a lot more affordable. This handy free app makes it a breeze to grab links to your important content and keep them organized alongside notes, checklists and other content. Sort your stuff into intuitive notebooks and Springpad looks up and provides relevant info including reviews for flicks you like, shopping lists for recipes, maps, guides and more; Springpad.com.
Travel Helper
It’s the worst part of any trip: Packing. Save space without forgetting those important items with the Stow app. Stow contains an array of templates for different types of trips that make helpful suggestions about what you should or shouldn’t bring along. Make your own templates for frequent types of excursions, and Stow will check the weather and let you know whether to bring sundresses or sweaters. You’ll be sure to have everything you need — as long as the airline doesn’t lose your luggage; $2, StowApp.com.
“People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home.”
— Dagobert D. Runes
Dirty Water
Skip the coffee on your next flight: Water onboard has been under review by the EPA thanks to finding traces of bacteria in holding tanks. Stick to the bottled stuff and use sanitizer instead of scrubbing your hands.
Mass Transport
Many of us know that the London Underground was the world’s first subway system, but few guess which city came in second. No, it wasn’t Paris or New York: Budapest beat both to the punch in 1896.
City Secret
Take a deep breath before you try to call the city of Los Angeles by her full name. When it was founded in 1781, the now-metropolis was known as El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora La Reina De Los Angeles.