Divorce affects the lives of the grown-ups and children alike. A peaceful divorce is often hard due to the different personalities of the parties involved. One of the spouses may have anger issues, mental or personality disorders, mood swings or simply has had an affair resulting in a deep wound for the marriage. Couples at first are hesitant in finding help. It may not be until they are sitting in their divorce attorney’s office that the question is raised, “Have you tried marital counseling?” If the couple has not, most divorce attorneys do suggest seeing someone before they contemplate a divorce. If the answer is yes, oftentimes there is no hope in saving the marriage, but there’s also hope in having a “Peaceful Divorce.” The Collaborative Divorce Process is an excellent non-litigious approach to divorcing. I’ve been involved in several cases and the process is miraculous. It involves a team approach of collaboratively trained professionals which includes 2 lawyers, a neutral mental health professional and a neutral financial professional. Everyone involved in the process has one goal in mind: To get the divorce done as soon as possible in a non-litigious way. When there are children involved, I help create a parenting plan that specifies a detailed time-sharing. So is a peaceful divorce possible? Yes, as long as the couple is able to put aside their anger and let a team of professionals help.
Lisette Beraja is a Psychotherapist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist & Founder of Beraja Counseling Center. She’s also a Florida Supreme Court Family Mediator and an 11th Judicial Court approved Parenting Coordinator. To set up an appointment, call 305.858.7763 or visit BerajaCounseling.com.
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