What began humbly with a series of local workshops has become a global relationship coaching organization that has allowed Gladys Diaz to reach and work with thousands of women by guiding them through a journey to create the happy, loving, passionate relationships their hearts desire. Diaz began offering relationship coaching and workshops as a “jobby” — a job you’re passionate about that you do “on the side” of your actual day job.
When it comes to her target audience, Heart’s Desire’s female-focused clientele are professional women, high-level executives, entrepreneurs and even celebrities who are used to succeeding and having the results they want in life but may not be experiencing the same level of success when it comes to love and relationships. “We’ve found that successful, powerful women face unique challenges when it comes to love and relationships,” she says. “The very same skills that can propel us in business can actually repel love and intimacy, and it’s important to know which skills are not effective in relationships and which ones will lead to having the love and intimacy every woman wants.”
What’s more, she’s found that women crave loving, passionate relationships without having to lose themselves, give up their passion and success, or settling for anything less than they deserve. “They come to us to learn how to have it all — how to be both the ‘Invincible Woman’ at work and the ‘Simply Irresistible Woman’ in their love lives.” Through private coaching, workshops, seminars and group coaching programs, Diaz offers a suite of solutions to help achieve happy, fulfilling lives, prosperous careers, successful businesses and extraordinary romantic relationships.
Currently, she frequently speaks at women’s events and business conferences and spreads her love lessons for singles, girlfriends and wives through TV and radio programs. “It’s so rewarding to know that we are no longer limited by how far someone is able to drive to attain life- and heart-changing information and resources that can lead a woman to experience the kind of love and relationships she’s always wanted and dreamed of.” As such, social media allows her to easily connect and share successes with her tribe — both near and far — and a series of webinars, teleclasses and online courses opens up a world of love and opportunity for all those she touches. “If you want to experience and attract love, acceptance, peace and happiness in your life, you must be loving, accepting, peaceful and happy.”; HeartsDesireIntl.com.