In these tough economic times, online poker isn’t an option for most of our wallets — neither is losing your job for playing at work. The Poker Mouse will allow you to get your poker fix while impressing your fellow cube monkeys. If your online winnings unexpectedly skyrocket, you can also invest in some other models from the same line ranging from the high hundreds for interactive options to the tens of thousands for gold-encrusted and diamond-studded clickers. In the meantime, increase your odds of bringing yourself some luck by ordering a pair of the more affordable Poker version for $80 at so you can have one at the office and another at home. It’s a gamble worth taking.
Sands of Style
Miami’s leading fashion trailblazers showcase their own distinctive, forward-thinking aesthetic by embracing a palette inspired by the vivid hues of the beach, the ocean’s depths, and the electrifying pulse of Miami nights. Together, they set the tone for the season — a celebration of unity, style and undeniable influence.
Brickell Backyard
Aptly named, Brickell Backyard is the first half-mile of The Underline, a first-class 10-mile linear park below the Miami Metrorail that stretches from the Miami River through 14 neighborhoods, ending at the Dadeland South Metrorail Station.