Tech give
The One Today app by Google promotes humanitarian and environmental campaigns, allowing you to donate $1 to feed homeless children, save animals threatened with extinction and much more. The app features a scrollable list of appealing pictures with a call-to-action. Tapping on a project reveals how your dollar will help and gives you interesting facts about the campaign or organization backing it. One particularly important project is highlighted every day. Donating is as easy as tapping on the GIVE button onscreen.
Sharing & caring
The official app of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Share The Meal invites users to fight global hunger over a smartphone. The app lets users choose a food basket with just 50 cents providing “vital nutrition” to a child per day to start with and 5 more options going up to feeding a child for an entire year. The app also shows a real-time counter of the number of meals shared and the progress they’re making in reaching the target.
sure bet
Can’t resist a dare? Then Budge is the app for you. It turns anything you can think of into a bet for a good cause by linking the wager you make straight to a charity linked to the app. Who can win a race, eat the most hot dogs, knows the most Beyoncé lyrics — the bets are only limited by your imagination. It’s highly social and much more fun than most giving apps. It also helps bond families and friends, creating a wholesome competitive environment for a worthy cause.
smile on
One of the first charity apps, Charity Miles remains highly popular and with good reason, as it allows users to dip into corporate sponsor funds for the actual donations. Choose an organization from the wide selection that includes the ASPCA and Wounded Warriors, and the GPS-enabled app will put money toward your choice for every mile you run, walk or bike. The donations are small (10 cents per mile for bikers and 25 cents per mile for runners) but will add up over days, weeks and months.