
Art Wings

Influenced by biology, psychology, technology and architecture, artist Rubem Robierb invites viewers to reflect on their own emotions and roles in society.
Words by Zelda Grant | Portrait by Henrique Luz | December 28, 2024 | People

A poet and philosopher who uses visual art as a way to express his thoughts about existential issues, he works with different mediums to create visually compelling pieces with strong symbolism and underlying messages about humanity and its complexities in an effort to evoke emotional responses. His latest installation is a butterfly wing sculpture called Dream Machine recently debuting on Lincoln Road as part of their art in public places program. The interactive sculpture invites viewers to physically place themselves between the wings and imagine a trip to a place where dreams come true, creating a metaphorical space that speaks to the power of our minds and the law of attraction. The sculpture will be on display through April 2025;