2. Dr. Rachel Tourgeman Honoree Ana VeigaMilton Michelle Shirley Honoree Emily Zubi

1. Alejandro Jeréz – Nicolas corrochano – Wendy kallegris – Adriana.Ramírez – Florencia tabeni – Luciana tabeni – Florencia rotemberg – Alfredo picardi – Luis pulenta – Mildred riscigno
3. Brittnie Bassant – Laurie Jennings


Soul Mates

For these Power Couples, love is a transformative force that connects hearts and inspires growth, creating unbreakable bonds that uplift with joy and purpose.

Shaping Skylines

Fueled by more than 50 years of international experience in the industry, and decades of development success in South Florida in one of the world’s most competitive development landscapes, The Melo Group is a proven leader in the field, united around a strong family core.
